Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Was lett's video about child abuse claims as apostate lies removed??
by EndofMysteries ini saw the original video months ago but forgot which video it was, but i read in another thread somebody claiming that video was removed.
is that true?
i couldn't find a thread talking about this.
Brokeback Watchtower
The guy is one sick fuck. I would love to see him in court some day defending his cult and himself over these child molestation lawsuits. Zalkin Lawfirm might just do it to shut his pie hole. -
Another annointed disfelowshipped for showing love
by poopie inok this is story1.annointed bro moves into a house and rents room from a lady.
2.he is currently serving as elder.3.there happens to be a disfellowsipped brother also living in house.4.
the annointed elder decides to help him to return to jehovah.5 the other elders find out and decide to remove him as elder because he is living and helping a df person and the annointed bro cannot move out because he does not have enough money.
Brokeback Watchtower
Sick cult -
Should Charity Organizations Be Forced To Be Transparent As To Where The Money Goes? Watchtower's Financial Books Should Be Made Public
by Brokeback Watchtower ini know there is much encouragement for charities to have financial transparency and i'm all for it reguardless of whether they are a religion or whatever.
also lawsuit pay out should made easy identifiable on tax form too.
any charity should be accountable to the general public when funds are used to pay out lawsuits so that the general public is aware of where their money is going.
Brokeback Watchtower
I know there is much encouragement for charities to have financial transparency and I'm all for it reguardless of whether they are a religion or whatever. Also lawsuit pay out should made easy identifiable on tax form too. Any charity should be accountable to the general public when funds are used to pay out lawsuits so that the general public is aware of where their money is going. It is time for charities to become transparent and their tax statement should has enough information for a would be contributor to examine.;
I think the time is coming.
Geoffrey Jackson on "corporal punishment"
by opusdei1972 inhere is another jackson's misleading answer, from the transcript of august 14 :.
25 q. do you accept corporal punishment?
29 a. not not personally, no, and not as an organisation 30 we don't encourage it.
Brokeback Watchtower
Proverbs 23:13,14
Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol.
Sounds like a physical beating to me where a person is encouraged to beat one's child and not worry about killing him.
I think they did change their policy about hitting children around the late 1990's and no longer pushed for corporal punishment due to a enlightened society's stand and legal ramifications towards it. I do remember a public talk in the 1970 where they put down Dr Benjamin Spock's for his stand against spanking of children and showed the bible's admonition to spank one's child as superior advice. -
Geoffrey Jackson on "corporal punishment"
by opusdei1972 inhere is another jackson's misleading answer, from the transcript of august 14 :.
25 q. do you accept corporal punishment?
29 a. not not personally, no, and not as an organisation 30 we don't encourage it.
Brokeback Watchtower
I remember a Watchtower study back a few decades ago on prayer and they used the example of a little girl who was misbehaving at the meeting and father decided it was time for a visit to the back room and as she was being dragged to the disciplining area she cried out loudly "Help me Jehovah". The example was used as a sorta cute example of a toddler calling instinctively on Jehovah for help. -
Brokeback Watchtower
Yes and I'm sure any work done to existing KHs will be to sweeten their value for easy resale in the future while capitalizing on all the free labor they can get out of devotees. -
WT is shorting literature orders by congregation with a problem contributing enough for literature $3500 just for mags
by oppostate inat our meeting last night there was a talk about having run out of magazines for the last three months.
it's expected this will continue to happen.
the "branch" has not sent the requested number of magazines.
Brokeback Watchtower
I wonder how many congregations have been limited in mags and books because monthly contributions to the WT Corporation was a factor. I suspect all have. They have to take measures to keep the cash flow positive to sustain a business.
They may just give up the paper printing business all together and start selling all that property to keep up with all the lawsuits coming down the pike. These guys are slow learners that's why they keep things going even though they should have gotten out of the printing business long ago and started deversifying into other exploits praying on their JW drones for more free service to the cause.
Will Criminal Investigation And Prosecution Of The Governing Body Ever Happen Because Of The Policies They Made?
by Brokeback Watchtower inso far in more recent times they have only been called to take the witness stand in court twice to my knowledge one was a no show in defiance to a court order in which he gave a sworn false statement to the courts claiming austrian citizenship.
and the other jackson who gave a terrible witness to the court full of lies and misleading statements.
all this shows how damaging their testimony is when brought before authorities who demand answers for their behavor and policies.. i personal hope for that day to come and have a gut feeling that we will be seeing a lot more of these guys called to court to explain their actions and impose big settlements over their not living up to their fiduciary duty toward children who have been molested by ministers(elders,ms, co, branch personal) they have appointed.
Brokeback Watchtower
I love this song and I dedicated to the Governing Body who have made good use of scarring people with the Devil for fun and profit$$:
Will Criminal Investigation And Prosecution Of The Governing Body Ever Happen Because Of The Policies They Made?
by Brokeback Watchtower inso far in more recent times they have only been called to take the witness stand in court twice to my knowledge one was a no show in defiance to a court order in which he gave a sworn false statement to the courts claiming austrian citizenship.
and the other jackson who gave a terrible witness to the court full of lies and misleading statements.
all this shows how damaging their testimony is when brought before authorities who demand answers for their behavor and policies.. i personal hope for that day to come and have a gut feeling that we will be seeing a lot more of these guys called to court to explain their actions and impose big settlements over their not living up to their fiduciary duty toward children who have been molested by ministers(elders,ms, co, branch personal) they have appointed.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think the day is coming, they got too many things they wish to keep secret, exposure is their greatest fear, and their currant financial down turn makes them more desperate and prone to cross the line of legality. -
Brokeback Watchtower
They are hoping to pull a fast one by saying they have a master plan and they will fullfill the needs by selling KHs and building new one where needed. This will keep everyone busy building thier real estate empire while they sell KHs out from under neath them to pay out molestation lawsuits.